Leaving Certificate Established

Leaving Certificate Established

The Leaving Certificate Established is a two-year academic programme which leads to a level 5 qualification on the National Framework of Qualifications. This means that students who successfully take this programme and who achieve the required grades may progress onto level 6, 7 and 8 courses in Institutes of Technology and Universities. Students may also opt to progress to Post Leaving Certificate Colleges to do pre-university courses, pre-apprenticeship courses or gain qualifications in specific career areas. The apprenticeship route is also a popular choice for students who have completed the Leaving Certificate, with traditional craft apprenticeships and modern professional apprenticeships.

Students who opt for the Leaving Certificate Established programme will take seven subjects. These subjects will include English, Maths and Irish (unless exempt) along with four other optional subjects. Students who wish to apply for courses at institutes of technology or universities do so through the CAO or Central Application Office system. Here the student’s best 6 subject results will be converted into Leaving Certificate points. Courses are offered through this system by getting a specific number of points inclusive of specific subject minimum grades. For more on courses and points see CareersPortal.ie.

The Leaving Certificate Established is a challenging programme. For best results students need to be prepared for academic work, committed to regular homework and have a study routine established from the start. Subject selection is also very important for successful outcomes. Specific subject information as well as advice on selecting subjects can be found in the subject choice section of this booklet. Please take the time to study this carefully and do any necessary research before making your choices. The school Guidance Counsellors and subject teachers are an excellent source of support with this.

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