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JCSP is a social inclusion programme whose focus has broadened from supporting early school leavers to supporting students who are at risk of being socially or academically isolated. It is based on the concept that all young people are capable of achieving success in school and that their experience of education can be positive.
Involvement in the JCSP programme brings many benefits to Beaufort College including the JCSP library, a full-time Librarian, significant capitation, teacher allocation and further financial assistance in the form of initiatives.
he Student Profiling System
A student profile is a positive and individualized record of statements that a student has achieved throughout Junior Cycle. Final profiling occurs at the end of third year. The data is sent to the JCSP office online where a presentation folder is compiled for each student; each folder includes:
- A certificate of participation
- A list of statements that were successfully completed by that particular student.
The presentation folders are returned to the school where a reference is added for each student. The students are presented with their final JCSP Student Profile at the end of year award ceremony.
The selection of statements is based on the individual student’s needs and abilities. It is desirable to have both subject-specific and cross-curricular statements selected for each student.
A folder containing the subject-specific statements as nominated by the class teachers is compiled and stored in the JCSP library. Teachers can add cross-curricular statements at the back of the folder. Folder Week is designed to support the tracking of student progress through the chosen statements; it will take place five times throughout the Junior Cycle; twice in the first year, twice in the second year, and once in the third year. The folders are also available to all students & teachers throughout the Junior Cycle through the school library.
The JCSP Support Service runs initiatives where teachers are facilitated in introducing new and creative ways of working with the students. The purpose is to provide opportunities for teachers to develop and explore new strategies, methodologies, and interventions to support student learning. The initiatives provide teachers with a small subvention to facilitate them in investigating and evaluating a specific strategy or intervention. As part of the Student Profile System, many statements have been designed that describe the skills and knowledge attained by students involved in specific initiatives. Initiatives relate to all the subject areas, literacy, numeracy and developing the arts. Every year Beaufort College delivers five of these initiatives to develop teaching and learning for our Junior Cycle Students.